Sejarah robot-robots history

The word robot was first introduced by a writer from the Czechs who named Karel Capek (pronounced "Chop'ek") in 1920. with his work "RUR" or Rossum's Universal Robots in which a man makes robots and robot kills its creator. Many later movies depict robots as tools that are not friendly or as an engine of destruction as opposed to the meaning of the robot (Robota) in the language of Czechs, which means forced labor ..

1920, the robot began to develop from the science of electronics, ie from automatic control techniques, but at that time, computer that is a major component  of a robot which is used to pengolaan input from sensors and actuators control  do not have a fast commutation capability in addition to  the physical  size of the  computer  at the time itru still quite large.

History robot starts at:


  • 1938, Jacques de Vaucanson create an automated system, he created a mechanical duck that could eat the seeds and chop up, opening and closing its wings.
  • 1796, Hisashine Tanaga in Japan managed to make a mechanical toy that can mnghidangkan tea and write kanji.
  • 1926, Nikola Tesla mendemintrasikan boat bots that can be controlled by radio.
  • 1928, Makoto Nishimura create the first robot in Japan.
  • In line with the development of electronics technology, the development of this robot is moving rapidly, such as
  • 1948, William Grey Walter made ​​the first automatic electronic robot where the robot can respond to light and can make contact with the object from outside.
  • 1954, at the commencement of the digital era, a programmable digital robot invented by George Devol.

Intelligent robots began to develop rapidly along the development of computers around the 1950's. With the increasingly rapid computational capabilities of computers and increasingly smaller physical size, the robots are dbuat increasingly have intelligence good enough to perform jobs usually done by humans.

and in present-day, the development of robots better , such as, Japan makes robot that can sing, Ashimo,is a robot which has the ability as human beings, either a function or how to action.etc..

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