Accelerating the performance of the Blackberry - Trick

If your BlackBerry's performance slowed, or difficult to open web pages, could be the source of the cause is number of the file "junk" in your device memory

There are several things that causes the BlackBerry to be faltering. For example, the IM activity that has not closed, such as BlackBerry Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, GoogleTalk, and others.

Or, Memory and History in the browser Event Logs are rarely removed, some of which opened too many applications at the same time.


Here are some solutions that can be taken to make the performance of your BlackBerry is much better, namely

Cache Cleaning
Go to the browser -> Press Menu -> Select Options -> Select Cache Operations -> Press the 4 clear button -> Done

Event Log Cleaning
Homescreen -> Press the ALT key (hold) -> Press the letter LGLG (in sequence) -> Press Menu -> Select Clear Log -> Delete -> Done

Memory Cleaner
Options -> Security Options -> Memory Cleaning -> disabled status changed to enabled -> Note the 4 lines below the menu memory cleaning, there are writings Show Icon on Home Screen, press and change the choice of No to Yes -> Press the return (arrows rotate) then save changes -> Back to the Home Screen and memory cleaner looking for a new icon (the icon-like image printer) -> click -> finish.

Soft Reset
Simultaneously press the Alt key - Caps / aA button (right side near the sym key) - del button -> finished -> BlackBerry will restart. This is similar to restarting your PC or laptop.

Hard Reset
Also known by the term pull the battery. This action is done to ensure that no more energy / power is left. Let stand for at least three minutes, then replace the battery on your BlackBerry

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